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How do you feel the presence of ghosts around you?

How do YOU feel the presence of ghosts around you?

Different people feel different things around ghosts/spirits. Some people get goosebumps—other people feel cold spots, or hot spots, or increased heartbeat. Some people feel like they are being watched. Others feel a strong, dense-ness of energy. Meanwhile, some people feel nothing at all.

Everyone responds a bit differently though. Want to see how you respond? Spend some time in a location that is known to be haunted. Be careful though — how you respond in one situation may be different from how you respond in another situation.

A "bad vibe" feeling (in the form of goosebumps, increased heartbeat) is commonly felt in areas where negative emotionally-charged events have happened—such as death, car accidents, battle wounds, or suicide. The human body—and the surrounding electromagnetic field—is remarkably sensitive to changes in the external environment, and will respond to these changes.

Why Do Some People Respond with Physical Symptoms in the Presence of Ghosts & Paranormal Activity?

No one knows why some people respond physically (i.e. goosebumps) to ghosts and paranormal activity. As mentioned earlier, the human body is remarkably sensitive and can sense changes in the external environment. So, when things feel "unusual" (due to paranormal activity) your body is alerted. This is an instinctive, biological response. It may also be connected to the strong electromagnetic fields that appear in the presence of paranormal activity.

So, why do some people feel nothing in the presence of paranormal activity? The number of people who feel absolutely nothing in the presence of strong paranormal activity is very, very small—however, factors such as your physical health, your mental and emotional state, your intelligence/awareness, and your belief system could all play a role in how you respond.

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